This is Me.

This is the story of my Weight Loss Surgery, namely the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. When I started this journey, I really wanted someone to tell me exactly what to expect, what to eat, what to do, etc, so I decided to chronicle my OWN be able to look back on it, but also to possibly help someone else about to start theirs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pre-op Diet: Day 13

Second to last day on this diet.  Honestly, I know people say this all the time, but it literally FLEW by.  I think since I had other things to occupy my mind (going out of town, getting a new puppy), it helped me.  I don't think I would say it was "easy", but it was definitely less painful than I expected.  I finally had to stop reading stories on the forums.  Don't get me wrong, this place is a GREAT source of information, but eventually you start reading about other people's issues and it can scare you.  So I'm done for now.  I'll probably get back on sometime after surgery, but for now I'm getting my mind clear of all that stuff.  I had my final pre-op with Dr. Mason today.  My official "start" weight is 279.5, which is down from 293 at my first visit a month ago.  Made my 2 week post-op appointment.  It's almost here!!!!

7/9/2013 Data:

Weight:  277.2
Exercise:  Lots going on, didn't get it done.  :-(
Food diary:

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