This is Me.

This is the story of my Weight Loss Surgery, namely the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. When I started this journey, I really wanted someone to tell me exactly what to expect, what to eat, what to do, etc, so I decided to chronicle my OWN be able to look back on it, but also to possibly help someone else about to start theirs.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 26 (11th day of liquid diet)

Monday here....back at work.  And I feel better than I have since the surgery.  I know they say it gets better every day, but it does, it really does.  I can't wait until I feel like myself again and I can do all my old stuff, like cleaning the house, doing the dishes, doing the laundry.....wait.  WHY exactly am I waiting for this?  Maybe I'll just take it easy for another week.  Or two.

The week before surgery, I went out to Steinmart and got myself a super-cute thermal cup for the tons and tons of water I'd be drinking, like this:

Super cute, right?  I wanted this because I hate when my drinks "sweat" and get water all over me when I drink it.  Well, when I got it home I realized you can't wash it in the dishwasher.  Seriously??  Who hand washes things nowadays?  Well, not me, that's for sure.  So I was really bummed.  Until.  

I got to the hospital and they gave me this pitcher: 

NOT very cute, right?  But it turns out, it works just as well.  Actually, probably better.  AND the best part?  You guessed it.  Dishwasher safe.  Heaven.

7/22/2013 Data:

Weight:  268.6 (22 pounds)
Exercise:  I'm going to try walking with Hunter tonight and see how it goes.  Although, just walking to and from my office from the parking garage takes at least 5 minutes each way.  And I did it round trip twice.  Plus I walked around Target for almost an hour.
Food Diary:

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