It's Girl Scout Cookie Time.
Just when I was starting to make a little progress in my fight against sugar. I'd be ok if it was just me in the house. But it's not. I live with 3 boys, 2 of whom just LOVE Girl Scout cookies. And one of them is 44 years old, so he has the ability to go buy said cookies. In HUGE quantities. Which does not help me at all. Because I have a problem with willpower. Which is the reason I weighed almost 300 pounds!! Hell-oooooo!
And I'm struggling. Really struggling. Every day I start off with resolve to do "good". I have my entire day of meals planned out. LOTS of protein. I drink my Muscle Milk on the way to work. I have my coffee as soon as I get there. I get "hungry" around 10:00, so I snack on a few almonds. I eat lunch no later than 11:30. Then 1:30/2:00 hits. And I get the "munchies". And I can't stop thinking about these:
These things are like crack to me! And they're conveniently available in a drawer near me. So I sneak up there and snag a handful while no one is looking. And yes, I did say 'handful', 'cause you all know I can't eat just one. Then I gobble them all down and feel misery and regret immediately after. And then I think....come on, you know what's coming......."Well, heck, I've already ruined my day so I'll just eat WHATEVER.I.WANT for the rest of the day and (say it with me folks) START.OVER.TOMORROW!". Yeah, I've been doing that pretty much for the last 30 years, so it's very familiar to me. And I'm very frustrated with myself. This morning, I weighed 218. Which is certainly not bad for me. But that's up 4 pounds from sometime last week. And I simply cannot allow that trend to start. So whoever says this surgery is 'easy' and a 'quick fix', they're wrong. You still have to make good choices and exercise willpower. And it's still hard. I have to fight my impulses every day and lately, I've been losing the battle. I've GOT to get back on track.
Wish me luck! And enjoy those cookies.....just not too many at once.
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