This is Me.

This is the story of my Weight Loss Surgery, namely the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. When I started this journey, I really wanted someone to tell me exactly what to expect, what to eat, what to do, etc, so I decided to chronicle my OWN be able to look back on it, but also to possibly help someone else about to start theirs.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Day in the Life - at home

7:00 am - The latest the dogs will let me sleep, before insisting on being let out.

7:05 am - Morning coffee, flavored with Splenda and Heavy cream.

8:00 am - Breakfast, which is usually 2-3 eggs with some sort of protein, either ham or turkey jerky sticks.

8:30 am - I'm on the overstuffed chair in my living room, watching tv.  Currently binge-watching The Good Wife (LOVE IT!).

9:00 am - I start on my large glass of tea, sweetened with Splenda.  I let the dogs out and throw in a load of laundry while I'm up.

10:00 am - Start thinking about a snack.  Realize it's way too early for that, so I talk myself out of it.

11:00 am - The earliest I can justify lunch.  I try to focus on protein, either tuna fish flavored with lemon juice or leftovers (in this case, crockpot ribs).

12:00 pm - Still want something to nibble on, so I grab a couple of mandarin oranges.  Easy to peel and easy to eat.

1:00 pm - Still want something to nibble on, so I pop a bag of 100 calorie Kettle Corn, my new favorite.

2:30 pm - Ready for some chocolate, so I eat my protein bar.

5:00 pm - Time to head out for my Pi Psi meeting, but in fear that I may starve before dinner, I grab a mini protein bar for the trip.  I also bring a diet Snapple, for hydration, of course.  

6:30 pm - Dinner consists of homemade Taco Soup and Chocolate Pecan Pie.  I enjoy them both thoroughly.

At this point, I've survived the hard part of my day.  For some reason, the time between 12:00 and 5:00 are the hardest.  I could eat around the clock and still be "snackish".  So I always feel relieved when 5:00 rolls around because I feel like I've made it by that point.  I work really hard to not eat after 7:30 or so.....seems like I heard that a long time ago and it sounds like a really good idea.

Weight:  216.4
Exercise:  Didn't get around to it....unless 5 loads of laundry counts!

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