This is Me.

This is the story of my Weight Loss Surgery, namely the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. When I started this journey, I really wanted someone to tell me exactly what to expect, what to eat, what to do, etc, so I decided to chronicle my OWN be able to look back on it, but also to possibly help someone else about to start theirs.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Family Pictures

I was so, so unhappy with my family pictures from last year (I already told you.....puffy face, frizzy hair, ugh!) that I made my family re-take them this year.  And they were SO excited.  NOT!!

So we headed out bright and early on a Saturday morning and got some great snaps.  I'm still not thrilled with me (what's going on with my HAIR???) but I'm so much happier with how I 'look'.  I still don't feel like I'm "small", you know what I mean?  I just feel like a normal size now, rather than morbidly obese.  And the sad thing is that when I reach 190 pounds, I'll STILL be 'overweight' according to the BMI chart.  That's crazy.  But whatever.....who cares......


My sweet, sweet boys!

At this point, I told them the quicker they smiled, the quicker we'd be done!
Zac is in the midst of losing all his teeth, so we captured the moment.  

Last year's.  I can really tell the difference here.

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