This is Me.

This is the story of my Weight Loss Surgery, namely the Vertical Gastric Sleeve. When I started this journey, I really wanted someone to tell me exactly what to expect, what to eat, what to do, etc, so I decided to chronicle my OWN be able to look back on it, but also to possibly help someone else about to start theirs.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Huh.....I look GOOD!!

Lately, I see myself in the mirror and I actually like what I see. I watched a video on FB recently that really hit home. I think it was from Special K, but it talked about how women need to stop talking so ugly to themselves. Saying things like "my thighs are huge!" and "this makes my butt look fat!". Things we say to ourselves all.the.time. At least I know I do.  We would never say that to a friend. So why are we so self-critical?  Why can't we say "DAMN!  I look GOOD today!"??  Because then we'd be "full of ourselves". So maybe just saying to ourselves (but not out loud) is a good start. Just thinking it is enough.

DAMN I look good.....

Oh and Merry Christmas Eve! Still enjoying my sugary treats. Just for a few more days. Then it's back to low carbs and tracking my food. I plan to drop the last 28 pounds. Easy peasy.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Family Pictures

I was so, so unhappy with my family pictures from last year (I already told you.....puffy face, frizzy hair, ugh!) that I made my family re-take them this year.  And they were SO excited.  NOT!!

So we headed out bright and early on a Saturday morning and got some great snaps.  I'm still not thrilled with me (what's going on with my HAIR???) but I'm so much happier with how I 'look'.  I still don't feel like I'm "small", you know what I mean?  I just feel like a normal size now, rather than morbidly obese.  And the sad thing is that when I reach 190 pounds, I'll STILL be 'overweight' according to the BMI chart.  That's crazy.  But whatever.....who cares......


My sweet, sweet boys!

At this point, I told them the quicker they smiled, the quicker we'd be done!
Zac is in the midst of losing all his teeth, so we captured the moment.  

Last year's.  I can really tell the difference here.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sugar is the DEVIL!

Quick!  Name that movie!!

As of this morning I've officially lost 73 pounds!  I'm over 2/3 of the way to my goal of losing 100 pounds.  However, I've definitely hit a road block.  The hubs and I went on an adults-only vacation back in early November and I spent most of my time in our hotel room watching Criminal Minds reruns. The only accessible food was from the gift shop. And you know what they sell there. That's right....a bunch of bad food!!  So they had my favorites in stock: Reece's Pieces, Combos, and Cheddar popcorn. Now I want you to know, I went on this trip with the best of intentions. I planned to buy a bunch of high-protein foods when we got there. But we got in late, got lost and just went straight to the hotel. So my food choices on Monday were either a $30 hamburger from room service or the gift shop. I had also planned to work out every day. But this place was crazy expensive. They actually charged a daily rate for the gym!  So no. That didn't happen either. But here's my problem. I got started back on sugar. And now I can't quit it. It's got a sick hold on me. I did try. But at work, people keep bringing in sweets. And then you know what happened......the holidays!!!!  So seriously, TODAY is the first day in over a month that I didn't have any sweets. It was tough for me. I even had to yell NO to a coworker that tried to bring me some Reece's peanut butter favorite. It's hard work people!  Sugar is definitely my drug of choice and for me, I can't do it in moderation. I have to really just cut it out and stick with my protein. I really noticed a slow down in my weight loss when I got back on the sugar. Yes I know we're on the cusp of another holiday season. And I know I will have some sweets. But until then I'm fighting the urge with everything I have. And I still haven't had a soda since June. So there's that.

A note about my weigh-in today. Here's why it was monumental for me. I remember that 217 was the lowest I got when I lost a bunch of weight in 2010. So anything less than this will be the lowest I have been since high school. And that makes me want to cry tears of joy. I'm so happy right now I can barely stand it!  People are actually calling me skinny!!  I love it.

The picture below is the size 26 shorts I was wearing in June. Crazy, huh?

OH!  And that movie? It's Waterboy....a must-see If you haven't yet.